n8n ConvertAPI Query Authentication Account Setup
Hi, I am totally new in this area and am just trying to figure out.
Node SDK - FileStore & Response
Convert failed and not know why.
Where can i see error details? A report o similar?
Docx->pdf with watermark and protection?
PDF/A useless
the converter API is working properly (results ARE correct)
Help with Paging Html - PDF
I have a html template that generates a PDF
docx -> txt conversion failure
Any way to get more information on a conversation failure? Getting a 5001 on docx to txt conversion. But have many other docx to txt conversions that have worked fine
Convert Docx to PDF using java
We plan to purchase a plan in Convert API and we are doing a POC on converting docx to pdf. I am using a java code available in the link https://www.convertapi.com/blog/file-conversion-library-for-java to convert docx to pdf but i am getting error as "java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.convertapi.client.Http". Please help me to fix the issue.
Date format problem conveting from Excel to PDF
We have one client with excel document which has a Date field. The user has formatted this field using regional settings but the date format is dd/mm/yyyy. However, in conversion to PDF the date is showed as mm/dd/yyyy format. Is possible define the regional settings in conversion to fix this?
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.convertapi.client.Http
When trying to use the Client SDK for Java and attempting to make a connection, we get this error,"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.convertapi.client.Http.
we are using the method ConvertApi.convert("xlsx","pdf",null)