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n8n ConvertAPI Query Authentication Account Setup

Hi, I am totally new in this area and am just trying to figure out.


Node SDK - FileStore & Response



Error Response - Too many concurrent conversions

What is the response format I would receive if I try to convert too many concurrent documents, I need to identify the failure so I can queue the conversion for later

Convert failed and not know why.

Where can i see error details? A report o similar?


Converting PDF to DOCX unreadable content

When Im converting a PDF into DOCX I get a word warning

PDF/A useless

the converter API is working properly (results ARE correct)


DOCX to PDF conversion doesn't preserve correct fonts

Using the npm package to access the DOC to PDF API results in loss of original fonts in the generated PDF. How can I generate a PDF that contains all the fonts from the DOCX file? I am able to do this using Word and LibreOffice (also using LibreOffice CLI)

Help with Paging Html - PDF

I have a html template that generates a PDF